When deciding to get a kitten, a person first of all asks the question “What cat breed to choose? Choosing the breed of cat is really a very important and responsible task, the right decision depends on how the pet will feel in your home, whether it can get along with the other members of your family and how comfortable it will live in your home.
In order to choose the right pedigree cat, you need to consider the characteristics of character, behavior, feeding and care for representatives of those or other cat breeds. Don’t be lazy to visit cat shows, talk to pet breeders and carefully study cat breeds with photos.
What breed of cat to choose for single people
Single people should give preference to breeds of cats that are most loyal to their owners and calmly tolerate their long absence. Such breeds include Russian blue, Bombay, Maine and British cats. For singles an excellent choice would be a sensitive nature and affectionate Persian cat. Single people should also take a closer look at Siamese cats. Cats of this breed adore communication with their owners, although long separation from the owner usually has a very bad influence on their general state.
What cat breed to choose for children
The descriptions of cat breeds will help you to find the most correct choice of a pet. If there are small children in the house, choose such breeds of cats, whose members can bear long games with kids and take an active part in them with pleasure. The best cat breeds for children are Abyssinian, British, Burmese, Scottish Folds, Maine Coons, Sphynxes and Japanese Bobtails.
What cat breed to choose for business people
For business people who cannot imagine their life without a cat, but have to stay at work long hours, run errands at home and often go out on business trips, the ideal choice is such breeds of cats as Scottish, British, Russian blue, American albacore, Maine and exotics. All these animals perfectly tolerate loneliness and can entertain themselves independently in absence of the owner, and at the moment of the owner’s return they are always glad to meet people on the house threshold.
What cat breed to choose for homebodies
People who prefer to spend most of their time at home: housewives, the elderly and disabled people, breeds of cats with long hair suit well. These animals require regular, thorough hair care and very frequent brushing. Names of cat breeds for house cats are Persian, Himalayan, Angora, long-haired British, Siberian and Norwegian Forest cats. An incredibly loyal Siamese cat will be an excellent helper and faithful friend for people who spend most of their time within the confines of the home.
What breed of cat to choose for allergy sufferers
If the mere thought of lumps of hair flying around the apartment and the daily meticulous care of your pet’s fur makes you feel uncomfortable, short-haired cats, as well as animals that are almost devoid of fur cover, are ideal for you. The best cat breeds for those who are allergic are Balinese, Oriental short-haired, Javanese, as well as Cornish Rex and Sphynx. By the way, the Siberian is probably the only long-haired cat breed that very rarely causes allergies in humans.