St. Petersburg Sphinx


The St. Petersburg Sphynx is a Russian hairless cat breed. This breed is also called the Peterbald. The animals are very graceful and elegant, they have a special profile that you wouldn’t confuse with anything else: an elongated muzzle, almond-shaped eyes and large, widely set ears. Their skin is thin and wrinkled, and their whiskers are the trademark of the breed.

It is a wonderful pet, with an excellent temperament. Petersburg Sphynx is friendly, non-confrontational, intelligent, curious and very restless. The animal is active and sociable, relates well to all who live with him in the same “living area”, is in great need of human communication and attention. Peterbalds can even calmly tolerate the increased attention of children.

From the name of these cats, it becomes clear that their “birth” they owe to the City on the Neva. And it is indeed so. This breed was bred by St. Petersburg phelenologists, by crossing oriental cat and Don Sphynx. Now Peterbald cat seeks recognition of the world felinological organizations, but feedback from experts is extremely positive.

In terms of genetics, the dominant Don Sphynx hairlessness gene was added to the Oriental cat line. The skin of Peterbald cats behaves almost like the human skin: it tans in the sun, when the animal is hot it produces sweat on its skin, in absence of sunlight it loses its pigmentation.

Since the St. Petersburg Sphynx has practically no fur, its color is very subtle. It is easy to determine after the birth of kittens, as they do have fur and according to the type of coat these cats are divided into several species:

  1. Naked - there is no fur completely, the skin is covered with secretions and this gives it a completely bizarre appearance;
  2. Flock - the kitten has no eyebrows or whiskers, the fur is very short - only two millimeters;
  3. Velour - also has short hair all over the kitten’s body, but it is somewhat thicker on the head, paws, and tail than flock;
  4. Brush Point - the coat is even longer than flock, especially on the paws and head;
  5. Peterbald brindle - fur is even longer than previous species, can be kept in adult cats, fully or partially;
  6. Straight-haired varietta - animals do not go bald over time, the kitten is covered in fur, and has straight whiskers. All of this remains in adult animals. But all other signs of the breed belong to the Peterbald.

Keeping Peterbold sphinxes has certain nuances, which are due to the lack of hair on the animals. Peterbolds are easily overcooled, can easily burn on a hot radiator or heater. Keep this in mind. These cats have very sensitive skin and it requires care. You should wipe it regularly with a damp sponge. For skin care of Peterbalds usual baby cream is excellent.

These animals (again, due to the lack of fur) have an increased heat exchange, so they spend more energy and must eat intensively. Especially caloric food should be in the winter and fall. Otherwise, the diet of this breed is similar to that of other cats.

The births of St. Petersburg sphynxes occur without any complications, and cats of this breed are excellent and caring mothers. But what is more interesting, Peterbolds are excellent fathers who help take care of the babies and play with them. Kittens of this breed open their eyes very early, and the more hairless the kitten is born, the earlier it happens.

Now about the pros and cons of the breed. The St. Petersburg Sphynx is a very interesting, friendly and gentle animal, strongly attached to its owners. Owners of these cats talk about their keen intelligence and loyalty to their owners. Peterbalds require more care compared to their “woolly counterparts. The skin of Peterbalds is delicate and requires increased attention and care. If this can be considered a minus. But the obvious disadvantage is the cost of kittens, which reaches several thousand rubles. It is better to buy animals in catteries.