Dehydration in cats, signs, symptoms and treatment


Dehydration in a cat is a process of dehydration in which the body loses fluid. Its danger lies in the simultaneous excretion of electrolytes, elements important for the normal activity of the pet, with the fluid.

Often dehydration is a symptom of a variety of ailments and aggravates their course. That is why rehydration - reimbursement of lost fluids and useful substances, becomes one of the most important therapeutic measures.

Causes of dehydration in cats

The causes of this disorder may be:

  • overheating;
  • diarrhea;
  • trauma;
  • vomiting;
  • fever;
  • insufficient water intake.

Symptoms of dehydration in a cat

The first symptoms of dehydration can be recognized by a number of changes in the cat’s condition. These include refusal to eat, apathy and lethargy. Notably, the pet’s gums dry out and become sticky.

Treatment of dehydration in a cat

In order to treat dehydration, the animal is administered special fluids or intravenous drips. The second option of therapy involves hospitalization for a period of 1-2 days. It is mandatory to treat the underlying disease that provoked the dehydration.

Prevention of dehydration in a cat

The prevention of dehydration is to ensure that the cat has free access to water. If the animal prefers running water, you should purchase a special drinker “fountain” for him.