Anyone thinking about getting a cat, first of all think about all the pros and cons of such a pet. The pros, of course, not a few. But what to do if the apartment is newly renovated, and the cat is still trying to sharpen its claws. There are different methods and tricks for this.
- Some cats may be affected by the owner’s cry when trying to sharpen their claws;
- spray the area with a special spray that has an unpleasant odor for cats;
- Place a scratching post near the place where the cat scratches the wallpaper;
- Coat the wallpaper with varnish, the claws will slip - this will not give you much pleasure;
- Tape the place of tearing with double-sided tape - the cat won’t come near it a second time;
- Train your pet on the taboo “you can’t”;
- The place the cat loves, you can make the furniture. But on the condition that the cat has a scratching post. Interest in it can be piqued by putting catnip or valerian on it;
- If possible, nail plastic or wooden panels to the wall;
- Place against the wall something that can fall sharply from the cat’s approach, such as a mop or vacuum cleaner;
- If you still have this wallpaper, you can glue it to the scratching post;
- If there are times when the cat is sharpening its claws correctly, praise and encourage it.