Rhinitis in cats is the same as a runny nose, accompanied by continuous sneezing and rubbing of the nose with the paws. The disease can develop due to drafts and hypothermia, but sometimes it is a consequence of an infectious lesion. The nature of rhinitis in an animal is not limited to the action of the cold factor. Allergic reactions or viral and parasitic activity can also provoke the disease.
The symptoms of rhinitis in cats are similar to the signs of rhinitis in humans. The cat becomes lethargic and loses its appetite. Despite the similarity of the above symptoms, the cat should not be treated with “human” runny nose drops. Only a veterinarian can provide competent medical care for an animal.
If you suspect that the illness was caused by a draught, you should eliminate the disadvantage and keep the cat warm. Food and drink should also be given to her only in a warm form, and the sinuses are allowed to be washed with aloe juice. But to avoid burning the irritated mucosa, it should be diluted with boiled cooled water. You can also drop ecmonovocillin diluted in an equal ratio with water into the cat’s nose.
Parasitic rhinitis is treated with special sprays. Thanks to the thin nozzles, the remedy is conveniently injected into the narrow nasal passages. If the cat’s runny nose appeared as an allergic reaction, it is necessary to determine together with the doctor the allergen-irritant and exclude contact of the animal with it.
Preventive measures against rhinitis include correct maintenance of the cat, absence of drafts and adequate nutrition.