Why are cats afraid of water?


In fact, cats are not afraid of water as such, they are afraid of getting wet. The fact is that even domestic cats have a developed instinct for self-preservation. Even though cats are good swimmers they try to avoid contact with water.

This is because cats do not like to get their fur wet. Cats’ fur has a unique structure, it provides them with an optimal body temperature both in winter and summer, protecting them from overheating or from freezing. This is due to a special air layer which retains heat in winter, and in summer prevents the body from heating up. When the coat gets wet, this cushion disappears and the cat starts to freeze.

In addition, a wet coat smells stronger, and cats are known to have an extremely developed sense of smell, and they can not tolerate harsh smells. Cats are hunters by nature and the less they smell, the better. If the victim smells something suspicious, he will be frightened and run away, which is not desirable for a cat. So the water itself does not arouse cat’s dislike but the prospect to get wet does not please the furry hunter.