Poisoning in cats


Poisoning in cats can occur due to the use of poisonous and harmful plants, poisons, household chemicals and disinfectants, drugs and toxic substances that entered the body of the animal with poor-quality food.

Pathological process proceeds very quickly and acutely, and if not addressed in a timely manner, it threatens the death of the pet.

Symptoms of poisoning in cats

Poisoning can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • A depressed or agitated state of the animal;
  • increased salivation;
  • seizures;
  • trembling in the body;
  • shaky gait;
  • difficulty in breathing;
  • lack of appetite;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • dilated pupils.

The presence of even one of these symptoms requires that the pet be examined by a veterinarian. Knowing exactly what your pet has been poisoned with will help in prescribing the correct course of treatment.

Treatment of poisoning in cats

The essence of therapy for poisoning in cats is to carry out the following measures:

  1. stopping the exposure of the harmful substance to the animal’s body;
  2. deactivation of the poison by appropriate means;
  3. excretion of the poisonous substance from the body;
  4. prescription of symptomatic treatment, taking into account the signs of poisoning.

At home, first aid for the pet consists of gastric lavage and purging the intestines by giving laxatives, vomiting, diuretics and adsorbents. Toxins can also be removed from the cat’s body by giving an enema, the components of which are a large amount of water and table salt (it can be replaced with baking soda).

To induce vomiting in the cat’s stomach you can use Apomorphine or manganese dissolved in water. A good owner should always have these remedies in the pet’s medicine cabinet. For both humans and cats, Activated charcoal tablets remain an excellent adsorbent.

When treating poisoning in cats, an important measure is proper nutrition. The animal is given rice and linseed broths, egg whites, solutions of starch and tannin - they have water-coating properties and make it difficult to absorb poisons.

Self-administration of antidotes is not allowed - in order to neutralize poisons they are used under the supervision of a specialist and with precise knowledge of the “culprit” of poisoning. In addition to antidotes and adsorbents, hepatoprotectors and general vitamins will help to improve the condition of the animal.

If possible, you should collect samples of feces and vomit that have left the body of the animal. After their examination the specialist will know the poisonous substance and then he will be able to adequately prescribe treatment.

Prevention of poisoning in cats

The easiest and most effective prevention of poisoning in cats is to keep potentially hazardous substances out of the pets’ reach and provide them with fresh, quality food. Also, make sure your pet does not eat sweeteners (they contain harmful xylitol), caffeine, yeast, grapes, raisins, chocolate and green onions - these contain substances that are potentially harmful to their bodies.