Maine Coon


The Maine Coon is the largest long-haired domesticated cat breed, whose remarkable appearance has given rise to numerous myths and legends about its origins. Some tend to believe that the Maine Coon Breed appeared as a result of crossbreeding with raccoons or lynxes, others argue that the cats were brought to America by Viking captain Coon.

The Maine Coon literally translates as Manx raccoon. The name of the breed is due to its territorial origin (Maine) and the external resemblance to raccoons. In America, the standards for the breed were developed in 1973, and before that time the Maine Coon was sidelined by Egyptian Mau and Persian cat breeds.

The Maine Coon is considered an ideal pet, because it is a low-maintenance, loyal, affectionate, neat and gets along well with other pets.

Breed Description

The breed is distinguished by its large size. An animal at the age of five years is considered an adult. Its weight can reach 15 kg. A woolly coat protects the cat from moisture, wind and cold. The length of the silky and soft wool of Maine Coon on different parts of the body is different: the head, shoulders and paws is short, on the tail and abdomen is long and thick. However, compared to the Persian breeds, the Maine Coon does not require careful grooming. The body is strong and muscular, with a broad chest. Maine Coons are perfectly adapted to survive in climates with cold winters. Multi-fingered and wide paws do not fall into the snow, and tufts of fur between the toes provide warmth to the cat. The ears, with long tufts of fur and cute tassels, give the cats a resemblance to lynxes.


Maine Coons are often called “gentle giants.” They are easy to train and are known for their loyalty and devotion to their owner’s family and are wary of strangers. Many cats are excellent swimmers and hunters. The breed is distinguished by its “eloquence.” Cats love to “babble”, purr, but they do not meow, and make special loud vocalizations. The Maine Coon - a proud creature that does not ask for or steal food. To develop fully, cats need space, because they are mobile and like to play and run. The Maine Coon playfulness is maintained throughout his life. Despite their fervent devoted love for their owner, Maine Coons have an independent character.


The Maine Coon coat can be any color, but Siamese, chocolate, and lavender colors indicate hybridization and are not accepted by breed standards. All eye colors fit the breed standards except blue and odd eyes (for example, when one is green and the other is blue).


The true origin of the Maine Coon is unknown, but many legends and speculations have survived. One folk story tells that Maine Coons came to America thanks to the French Queen Marie Antoinette, who, before her execution, tried to escape with the help of Captain Clo. The woman loaded all of her possessions and several Turkish Angora cats onto the ship. Although the queen failed to escape, her pets reached Maine, where they multiplied by crossbreeding with short-haired breeds. This is how Maine Coons were born.

According to another story, the English navigator Charles Coon had long-haired cats on board all the time. Since Coon’s ships were often anchored in New England, it is quite possible that Coon’s cats were crossed with local wild specimens. Hence the name of the Maine Coon breed.

If myths are to be believed, modern Maine Coons are descended from semi-wild raccoons and cats or through the mating of lynxes with domesticated cats.

The generally accepted theory is that the Maine Coon is the result of a mating of long-haired breeds of cats with native smooth-haired animals. Long-haired cats are thought to have been introduced to America by English travelers or Vikings.

Pros of the Maine Coon

  • Are intelligent;
  • neat;
  • active;
  • hardy;
  • like to have fun;
  • get along with children and other pets;
  • excellent hunters;
  • do not require careful fur care.


Specialists have noted some health problems: feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and hip dysplasia. Cats need a nutritious diet.