How do I recognize and treat gingivitis in cats?


The term “gingivitis in cats” refers to an inflammatory disease of the gums. The pathological process can involve all of the teeth of the animal or a single tooth. The disease is considered a mild form of periodontal disease. In either case, the infection can spread further to the ligaments and bones that hold the teeth together.

The mechanism of the disease is represented by a simple chain “formation of plaque on the teeth - its hardening and transformation into tartar”. An attentive owner will easily notice the yellow-colored tartar - it is well visible at the junction of the gums with the teeth.

Symptoms of Gingivitis in Cats

  • drooling;
  • lack of appetite;
  • Swelling, swelling and bleeding gums;
  • Unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Treatment of gingivitis in cats

Cats are treated for gingivitis by treating their gums with special ointments - “Zubastic”, “Metragil Denta”, “Dentavedin”. If the disease developed against the background of plasmacytic-lymphocytic stomatitis, the animal is prescribed immunomodulators, anti-inflammatory agents and antibiotics. The sick animal may also receive diligent veterinary care in the form of dental cleanings performed regularly at home. If treatment proves futile, the affected teeth are simply removed.