Enteritis in cats, causes, signs and treatment


The term “enteritis in cats” includes several diseases in which the intestinal epithelium becomes inflamed. Most often they affect kittens. Adults become ill when their immune system is weakened, due to poor nutrition, stress or uncomfortable living conditions.

The manifestation of enteritis depends on the type of infection affecting the cat. The disease is classified as coronavirus, rotavirus and parvovirus.

Symptoms of enteritis in cats

In the first case, the animal has a restless behavior, lack of appetite and lack of response to the call of the owner. Bloating of the abdomen, accompanied by pain, is possible. The stools become liquid and take on an orange or red hue.

Signs of rotavirus are cries of the animal, throwing around the apartment, strange bends of the body. The kitten refuses to eat and does not allow to touch the stomach. The disease may be accompanied by an increase in temperature to high levels, the frequent opening of vomiting and the output of liquid stools with blood streaks.

Parvovirus is a deadly disease that affects the nervous and respiratory systems and the intestines. Enteritis in its pure form is a carrier of this particular virus. The nausea causes the cat to refuse to eat, and the cat has diarrhea and fever. The owner may hear the animal coughing and notice swelling of the mucous tissues.

Treatment of enteritis in cats

To treat enteritis, cats are prescribed antibacterial, antiemetics, analgesics, antipyretics and immunocorrectives, as well as drugs to restore the water-salt balance.