What to feed a cat? Helpful hints


Buying a small fluffy kitty into your home is not the purchase of a stuffed toy. A cat is a living creature that needs care and attention. And the condition and health of the kitten depends on the proper care. This article will tell you about the need for proper feeding of the cat and what to feed the cat.

So, to begin with, it is worth determining the products with which to feed the cat * * * * *. These foods include:

  1. spicy foods;
  2. Fatty foods;
  3. Sweet; 3;
  4. Fried;
  5. Boiled;
  6. Floury;
  7. Spices;
  8. Pork;
  9. Tubular bones.

A cat should be trained to eat right from childhood. When the cat is older it will choose its own food from the offered options. And it will give preference to the food to which it is accustomed since childhood. Another advantage of cats is that they are able to determine the quality of food. Food that is not of high quality, cats simply refuse to eat.

Now about what to feed your cat

And what to feed a cat is best, of course, meat. And the ideal option would be raw meat. Especially it will be useful for people who like frisky and mobile cats. And the point of this advice lies in the fact that any animal, which belongs to predators, retains its predatory character only if it receives a sufficient amount of collagen and glutin. These elements help to maintain the activity and vital functions of the cat’s body.

However, raw meat can provoke the appearance of worms. To avoid this, you should hold the meat in boiling water for a few minutes - this will kill all the parasites. But you should not give your cat meat pulp. It is better to give her a piece of meat with sinews. It is the tendons that contain the greatest amount of collagen and gelatin.

what to feed your cat


What to feed your cat to provide vitamins? Most vitamins are found in by-products: kidneys, liver, heart, brain, lungs, etc. They contain vitamins A, B, H. But it is not recommended to give a cat spleen, because it can cause a disorder in the cat’s body. However, it contains biologically active substances the cat needs. Therefore, sometimes (once a week) you can give a small piece of steamed spleen to your cat. This will be enough for the cat to get the right amount of nutrients.


As for fish, it is one of the basic and even favorite foods for a cat. It is not for nothing that a cat is always associated with fish. But here, too, we should be careful. Some types of fish contain the enzyme thiaminase, which contributes to the destruction of vitamins from the B group. So if you soak the fish in boiling water or boil it for a few minutes, this danger disappears.


But despite the fact that cats are carnivorous animals, their bodies also need vegetables. Of course, not every cat is able to eat fresh vegetables. But in a dish with meat or fish a small amount of vegetables the animal simply will not notice. At the same time, it will get the micronutrients and vitamins it needs. But some cats love fresh vegetables, especially cucumbers. And this is not caused by any particular cat’s peculiarities. Rather, it is the normal need of the body for trace elements contained in vegetables, which causes such a “love” of the cat to this product. Therefore, if the cat begins to eat foods that are unusual for her, do not be alarmed - her body requires it.

Now we should talk about how the food affects the overall state of cats. And it is the food that is the main determinant of the cat’s mood, condition and health. An animal that has not received the necessary vitamins and minerals will be lethargic and weak. In turn, a cat that eats the right food can be easily recognized by a gorgeous coat and playful nature.